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Richard Randolph

A View from the College
April 9, 2019

Richard Randolph
Language, Arts, Humanities

The Importance of Creativity

People today have inflated the importance of science and math and trivialized creativity and the humanities and arts. This attitude is transforming colleges from educational centers focused on creating young people of character and wisdom to training centers preparing people to be employees ready to transition into the workforce as soon as possible.

Ann Y. Kennedy

A View from the College
February 26, 2019

Ann Y. Kennedy
CPA, MBA, Assistant Professor
Accounting Program Coordinator

How We Inspire...

“Kauai Community College is a Kahua that inspires, engages, and empowers learners and educators to enrich our community and our world.” This mission statement encapsulates the college’s goals, and moreover, what we as Accounting Program educators strive to accomplish
in the classroom.

Website Technology

Are you living on Kaua’i and working two or more jobs just to make ends meet? Have you considered creating your own website or sprucing-up an existing one, but held off because of all the overwhelming options and hidden costs of so-called “free” website development programs? 

Event Technology

The ubiquity of live events comes from the unparalleled excitement while experiencing music, engaging presenters, dance and theatrical performances. Kaua’i is a hub for talented musicians and artists who bring us together at their live performances to enrich our lives. Well before any professional event happens, technical specialists are hard at work planning the details needed to deliver a flawless event. 

Stephen Watkins

A common misconception is that creativity is innate and limited to a select few who are born with the creative gene. The fact is, however, anyone who is motivated to learn and practice new skills can leverage the latest digital technologies in graphics, music, photography, video and animation to create beautiful work. When personal drive is combined with a supportive learning space where new ideas are celebrated, boundless creativity happens.

Katherine Jones

The best way to explain why I’m back in college is to tell you why this isn’t the right time. I don’t have extra days in my week. I don’t have more time in my day. I don’t have extra money or a job that would tolerate a student’s schedule.

Travis Antonacci

When I left New York City to attend Kaua‘i CC, one thought kept recurring in my mind; how can I make this work? I was just eighteen years old and moving to the other side of the world. My original mindset was to only focus on my schoolwork, because that would reap the most tangible rewards. But I soon realized that this way of thinking was not sustainable. Instead of submitting to an existential fear, I quickly rediscovered what truly brought me to Kaua‘i in the
first place... the people.