Stephen Watkins

Creative Media

Discover, Build & Share your Unlimited Creativity!

Stephen Watkins Coordinator/Instructor Creative Media

A common misconception is that creativity is innate and limited to a select few who are born with the creative gene. The fact is, however, anyone who is motivated to learn and practice new skills can leverage the latest digital technologies in graphics, music, photography, video and animation to create beautiful work. When personal drive is combined with a supportive learning space where new ideas are celebrated, boundless creativity happens.

Kaua’i CC’s Creative Media Degree program is proving that everyone can create engaging, aesthetically-pleasing digital works of art that capture the attention of viewers. We have accomplished experts in Still Photography, Animation, Music Production, Video Production, Graphic Arts, Website Design and Event Technology who work one-on-one with students to help develop their creative skills.

Now, for the first time in the history of Kaua’i CC, along with learning how to unleash and build creativity, students can earn an Associate of Science Degree in Creative Media. As part of the University of Hawaii system, students may continue on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Media at UH West Oahu, the same campus that is now building a 24/7 Feature Film production facility.

If you have ever questioned your ability to be creative, please rest assured that your talent only needs to be revealed and nurtured. Everyone possesses an unlimited bounty of creativity that is simply waiting to be developed and shared. As the Coordinator of Kaua’i CC’s Creative Media program, every term I continue to see students who had little or no prior experience in digital technologies create amazing works of art that make lasting, positive impressions on viewers.

If you would like to discuss how Kaua’i CC can help build your creativity, please feel free to contact me: