Thomas Noʻeau Keopuhiwa, VCSA
Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs &
Interim Deputy TIX Coordinator
Phone: (808) 245-8274
Thomas No‘eau Keopuhiwa has over 12 years of experience in higher education, at both the Community College and Public University Settings. Collectively these experiences have provided him with a firm foundation and understanding of Student Affairs and its relationship to our students, our college, and our community.
His educational journey started at Kaua‘i Community College and eventually ended at West Virginia University where he received a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Along this journey he obtained his Master of arts in Community Psychology from the University of New Haven, and a Bachelor of science in Psychology from the University of Oregon.
The primary purpose of Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is to supervise and coordinate all functions associated with student support services. These include:
- Academic Advising,
- Admissions and Records,
- Financial Aid,
- Library,
- Academic Support Center,
- Wai’ale’ale Program,
- First Year Experience,
- Student Orientation,
- Student Conduct,
- Disability Services,
- Mental Health,
- Student Complaint/Feedback Processes
The office is responsible for ensuring that student services are consistent with the Strategic Plan of the College, reviewing new program proposals, evaluating program outcomes, and recommending personnel actions such as hiring, promotion and tenure. The VCSA is the key member of the Chancellor's executive leadership team and is the chief student affairs officer.
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Thomas Noʻeau Keopuhiwa, VCSA
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs &
Interim Deputy TIX Coordinator
Phone: (808) 245-8274