Campus Safety and Security Numbers
Campus Security Assistance: (808) 245-8399 or x399 from any campus phone
During Electrical Outage Cell Phone: (808)278-3107
Anonymous Call or Text: (808)278-3108
Security Email:
The mission of the CPSD is to provide a safe and secure campus environment for all members of the college campus community. This mission is achieved through active participation of all college members, and partnerships with local law enforcement and community partners.
In late May 2013, the Campus Public Safety Department (CPSD) at Kaua`i Community College was established. The CPSD handles daily response to incidents, emphasizes crime prevention, and encourages education of students, faculty, staff, and visitors to ensure a safe and secure college environment.
We plan to accomplish these goals by fostering ongoing relationships with community partners and providing opportunities for training, gatherings and discussion in all areas of Campus Public Safety; including Safety, Security, Emergency Preparedness, and Crime Prevention.
Campus Emergency Numbers
Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
Dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone or your mobile phone
Campus Security Assistance
Dial (808) 245-8399 or x399 from any campus phone. You can call this number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In case there is an electrical outage (which means that our campus phones are out), you will need to call their cell phones directly: (808)278-3107 or (808)278-3108.
Campus Resources
Campus Public Safety Department (808) 245-8399 [Non-Emergency]. Call this number to report crimes, incidents, or other campus concerns.
You may also contact a member of the CARE Team - Please click the tab below to expand
Thomas Noʻeau Keopuhiwa, VCSA
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs &
Interim Deputy TIX Coordinator
Phone: (808) 245-8274
Campus Wellness Center
Call (808) 245-8307 to book a medical or counseling appointment, and find out more info about our health services here on campus
Campus Gates are locked from 10:00pm - 5:00am
Monday-Saturday. Locked all day on Sundays and Holidays.
Customer service evaluation form Please click here to download (PDF)