The Kauai Community College wishes to announce that it will host a site visit for continuing accreditation of its Associate Degree nursing program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN.
You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person at a meeting scheduled for 2 pm on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, in OCET 106 C & D of the Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET) located at 3-1901 Kaumuali`i Highway, Lihue.
Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted directly to:
Dr. Kathy Chappell, Chief Executive Officer
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Road Northeast, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Or email:
All written comments should be received by the ACEN by February 24, 2025
Welcome to The Nursing Program at Kaua'i Community College!
The Kaua‘i Community College Career Ladder Nursing program is built around the career ladder concept that allows flexibility in career and educational planning. The program admits new students every fall semester.
The first year of the curriculum requires three semesters Fall, Spring and Summer 6 weeks session. Successful completion of the first year of the curriculum leads to a Certificate of Achievement (CA) and eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX®) exam for licensure as a Practical Nurse.
Continuation into the second year of the Career Ladder Nursing program is based upon satisfactorily meeting established criteria for continuing students. The second year requires an additional two semesters, leading to an Associate in Science (AS) Degree and eligibility to take the NCLEX® examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse. Graduates are eligible for admission to the fourth year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at UH Mānoa. Additional prerequisite courses may be necessary to take to satisfy the General Education requirements at UHM.
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) seeking advanced standing into the second level of the Career Ladder Nursing program must meet established criteria for entry of LPNs into the second level. LPN - RN Pathway
Professional Licensure Program
The Kaua‘i Community College (KauCC) Career Ladder Nursing Program curriculum is approved by the Hawai‘i State Board of Nursing and meets Hawai‘i Administrative Rules 16-89-46, 16-89-47, and 16-89-48. If you are not residing in the state of Hawai‘i and are taking a KauCC online course or program leading to professional licensure, KauCC cannot confirm whether the course or program meets your state’s professional licensure requirements. Please verify with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing for the appropriate licensing board in the state you intend to practice (Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse).
ACEN Accreditation
The Associate Degree Career Ladder Nursing Program at the University of Hawai‘i- Kaua‘i Community College located in Līhuʻe Hawai‘i is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program
Program Admission Requirements
Complete prerequisite courses with:
- A grade of “C” or higher (C- is not accepted).
- A minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Complete the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam with scaled scores at the Proficient Level or higher in all content areas. Basic and Developmental Level scores in any content area will not be accepted.
- The Nursing Program Admissions Committee will utilize an admissions rubric approved by the Nursing program faculty as the basis for admission into the Nursing program. Prospective students should see the Health Science counselor for the current admissions rubric.
Graduation Requirements
A grade of “C” or higher in all Nursing program courses is required for graduation. Students need to complete computerized proficiency testing on a Standardized Exit Exam with a satisfactory exam score in the spring semester of the second level. Students failing to obtain a satisfactory score will be required to complete a designated NCLEX-RN review course at his/her own expense before the AS Degree in Nursing can be confirmed.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
- A competent nurse’s professional actions are based on core nursing values, professional
standards of practice, and the law. - A competent nurse develops insight through reflective practice, self-analysis, and self-care.
- A competent nurse engages in ongoing self-directed learning and provides care based on
evidence supported by research. - A competent nurse demonstrates leadership in nursing and health care.
- A competent nurse collaborates as part of a healthcare team.
- A competent nurse practices within, utilizes, and contributes to the broader health care
system (including the Global Community). - A competent nurse practices client-centered care.
- A competent nurse communicates and uses communication technology effectively.
- A competent nurse demonstrates clinical judgment/critical thinking in the delivery of care of
clients while maintaining safety.
Please click on the degree or certificate name to expand the tab to read
Nursing (Registered Nurse) Associates in Science Degree (AS), 73 credits
Fall Semester 1: Pre-admission
- ENG 100 - Composition I, (3 credits)
- MICR 130 - General Microbiology (3 credits)
- PHYL 141 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3 credits)
- PHYL 141L - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab I (1 credit)
- Mathematics: MATH 100 or any MATH course 100-level or higher designated as FQ (3 credits)
- ENG 100: This course fulfills the Communication category.
- MICR 130: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
Spring Semester 2: Pre-admission
- HDFS 230 - Human Development (3 credits)
- NURS 212 - Pathophysiology (3 credits)
- PHYL 142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3 credits)
- PHYL 142L - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab (1 credit)
- Cultural Environment: A.S. Core Options (3 credits)
- HDFS 230: This course fulfills the Social Environment category.
Fall Semester 3
- NURS 210 - Health Promotion Across the Lifespan (9 credits)
- NURS 211 - Professionalism in Nursing I (1 credit)
Spring Semester 4
- NURS 203 - General Pharmacology (3 credits)
- NURS 220 - Health and Illness I (10 credits)
Summer Session Semester 5
- NURS 230 - Clinical Immersion I (4 credits)
Fall Semester 6
- NURS 320 - Health and Illness II (10 credits)
Spring Semester 7
- NURS 360 - Health and Illness III (9 credits)
- NURS 362 - Professionalism in Nursing II (1 credit)
Total credits: 73
Nursing (Practical Nurse) Certificate of Achievement (CA), 50 credits
Fall Semester 1: Pre-admission
- ENG 100 - Composition I (3 credits)
- MICR 130 - General Microbiology (3 credits)
- PHYL 141 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3 credits)
- PHYL 141L - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab I (1 credit)
- Mathematics: MATH 100 or any MATH course 100-level or higher designated as FQ (3 credits)
- ENG 100: This course fulfills the Communication category.
- MICR 130: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
Spring Semester 2: Pre-admission
- HDFS 230 - Human Development (3 credits)
- NURS 212 - Pathophysiology (3 credits)
- PHYL 142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3 credits)
- PHYL 142L - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab (1 credit)
- HDFS 230: This course fulfills the Social Environment category.
Fall Semester 3
- NURS 210 - Health Promotion Across the Lifespan (9 credits)
- NURS 211 - Professionalism in Nursing I (1 credit)
Spring Semester 4
- NURS 203 - General Pharmacology (3 credits)
- NURS 220 - Health and Illness I (10 credits)
Summer Session Semester 5
- NURS 230 - Clinical Immersion I (4 credits)
Total credits: 50
Page updated 5/24/24