
Student Life supports and encourages co-curricular participation through various campus programs, activities and services, thereby heightening a student’s total higher educational experience. This learning prepares students for the transition towards independence and self-responsibility as well as to support career and life changes.

Student Life provide opportunities for students to form independent campus clubs to acquire leadership skills, to interact with other people with similar interests, participate in civic, recreational, social and academically related activities.


To comply with Kauai CC Student Services Policy 5-1, all Registered Independent Student Organizations (RISO) groups must register at the beginning of each academic year with the Student Life Office. 

To register your RISO group, please complete 1-3

  1. Complete Club Registration Form
  2. Sign Page 1 of the RISO Club Handbook.
  3. RISO Funding Proposal Form

Request Additional Club Funds

To Request Additional Club funds from ASUH KCC Student Government, please complete the RISO Funding Proposal Form and present your request to Student Government in person during the Student Government meetings. To be included in the meeting agenda, please contact John Constantino at johncons@hawaii.edu. You must be a current student club member to apply.

RISO may submit a grant request application to student government. The ASUH-KCC SG Senate represents all KCC students and its decision to approve funds is determined by many factors. These include the significance of the program, project or activity; the probability of success; the benefit to all students; the availability of funds and, the appropriateness of ASUH-KCC SG funding the request. Programs with inherent cultural, social, economic impact and those that strive to manifest the Senate’s goals are most likely to receive funding. Senate guidelines for RISO funding change from year to year so contact the ASUH-KCC SG Vice President in charge of RISOs for current information. Applications for funding are available at the Campus Center, Student Life Office, Rm. 210 or contact the Vice President at 245-8338 for more information about ways ASUH-KCC SG can support the RISO group.

Student Clubs & Organizations List 2024-2025



Associated Students of the University of Hawaii – Kauai Community College (SG)

Student Activities Board (SAB)