PAU Violence Kaua`i

Prevention of Violence, Through Awareness and Understanding

Each of the 10-campuses in the University of Hawai`i system have a PAU group. We (UH Faculty, Staff, Students, and our Community Partners) get together to plan, coordinate and put on events and establish programs to foster discussion about the many forms of violence. By collectively working to end the violence - whether it's at home, at work, in school, or throughout the community - we know that with support and a shared vision, we can create a positive and lasting change. We recognize that each person matters, has a voice and say, and that there are many possibilities, resources and options to make things better.

PAUOne way is to GET INFORMED and Participate in our Activities and Events. If you're a Kaua`i CC Student, Faculty or Staff member, another option is to GET INVOLVED and Become an Active Member of PAU.

Check out our Podcasts!


Want to join PAU?

Call Shaunte Sadora at 808-245-8314

Please click on the tab below to expand

Contact the Co-Chairs for PAU

Shaunte Sadora
Phone: (808)-245-8337

Cheryl Lum,
Phone: (808)-245-8351

Let's Dive Deep Podcast is a student life-led podcast where UH System Students and community members can listen to the various talk stories, announcements, and many exciting events from the multiple Student life Groups of Leeward Community College. Each Student Life group will have its own series and episodes. So please sit back, listen and dive deep with us throughout each episode. Click here for podcast

Want to partner with PAU Violence Kaua'i? Complete the form.

The CARES Team proactively and collaboratively identifies and assesses students experiencing academic, emotional, and psychological challenges by providing holistic support services. The team provides early intervention and management of situations that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of our campus community.

Kauai Community Hale Malama visit website