Pre Admission Health Clearances

Pre Admission Health clearances must be completed by August 1st on the year of admission into the Medical Assisting program.
These include: 

  1. Proof of Immunizations
  2. TB clearance


Chicken Pox (Varicella Zoster)
Please provide the following Documents:

  • Medical record documentation of disease (or)
  • 2 Varivax vaccinations

Measles (Rubeola) 
Please provide the following Documents:

  • Medical record documentation of disease (or)
  • MMR/Rubeola vaccinations (or)
  • Positive blood test (Titer) for Rubeola

German Measles (Rubella) 
Please provide the following Documents:

  • Medical record documentation of disease (or)
  • MMR/Rubella vaccinations (or)
  • Positive blood test (Titer) for Rubella. If Titer test is negative, documentation of 1 subsequent MMR is required.

Hepatitis B 
Please provide the following Documents:

  • Medical record documentation of disease (or)
  • Documentation of completed vaccination series (3 vaccines) (or)
  • Positive blood test (Titer) for Hepatitis B. If Titer is negative, documentation of 2 subsequent Hepatitis B series is required (or) Medical record documentation of contraindication from a health care provider must be provided

Documentation of adult vaccination within the last 10 years.

Influenza Seasonal Vaccination
Please provide the following Documents:

  • Current season vaccination (or)
  • Medical record documentation of contraindication from a health care provider must be provided

Tuberculosis (TB) Clearance

- If you have had a positive TB skin test(TST)

Provide the following documentation:

  1. Positive TB skin test result (TST) including the dates placed, read and induration amount OR chest X-ray report stating "history of positive TST" OR licensed medical practitioner note stating history of positive TST, TB disease , or INH therapy. 
  2. Negative chest X-ray completed within the last 12 months.
  3. TB symptoms questionnaire. 

- If you have had a negative 2-step TST within the last 12 months

Provide the following documentation:

  1. 2-step TST results including dates placed, read, and induration amount.

- If you have had a prior negative 2-step TST at anytime in your past AND no positive TST thereafter

Provide the following documentation:

  1. 2-step TST results including dates placed, read, and induration amount.
  2. 1 additional negative TST within the last 12 months.

- If you have had 1 negative TST within the last 12 months 

Provide the following documentation:

  1. TST result including dates placed, read, and induration amount.
  2. 1 additional negative TST within the last 12 months.

COVID Vaccination

Please provide the following Documents:

  • Documentation of vaccination, including boosters (or)
  • Medical record documentation of contraindication from a health care provider must be provided
  • In addition, please note that you must also meet UH COVID vaccination policy for on campus activities