

The purpose of the Associate in Science in Natural Science (A.S.N.S.) degree is to address the needs of students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  Students can use the A.S.N.S. degree to better market their science background or in preparation for transfer to a four-year institution. The A.S.N.S. in Engineering provides a clear pathway to properly prepare students for transfer with core introductory courses and laboratories in chemistry, mathematics, and physics typically required in the first two years of a broad range of Engineering baccalaureate degrees at four-year universities.

Engineering Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) approved 03/01/2013

  1. Analyze data effectively using currently available technology.
  2. Communicate scientific ideas and principles clearly and effectively.
  3. Analyze and apply fundamental mathematical, physical, and chemical concepts and techniques to scientific issues.
  4. Apply fundamental concepts and techniques in their chosen natural science field of student, such as biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, etc.


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Natural Science Concentration in Engineering Associate in Science Degree (AS), 60 credits

Fall Semester 1

  • CHEM 161 - General Chemistry I (3 credits)
  • CHEM 161L - General Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
  • MATH 241 - Calculus I (4 credits)
  • SCI 170 - STEMinar: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Seminar (1 credit)
  • Communication (FW): Three credits of any FW course (3 credits)
  • Foundations: Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG): Any FGA, FGB, or FGC course (3 credits)


  1. CHEM 161: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
  2. MATH 241: This course fulfills the Mathematics category.
  3. Foundations: Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG): A total of 6 credits are required and are recommended to be completed in semesters 1 and 3. Any two courses with different FG designations are required.

Spring Semester 2


  1. CHEM 162: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
  2. MATH 242: This course fulfills the Mathematics category.
  3. ECON 130 or ECON 131: Either course fulfills the Social Environment category.

Fall semester 3

  • PHYS 170 General Physics I 4 (credits)
  • PHYS 170L General Physics I Lab (1 credit)
  • MATH 245 (or MATH 243 and MATH 244 (4-6 credits)
  • Electives: - Any 100-level or higher course (3 credits)
  • Foundations: Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG): Any FGA, FGB, or FGC course (3 credits)


  1. MATH 245 (or MATH 243 and MATH 244): This course fulfills the Mathematics category. If MATH 243 and MATH 244 are taken, both courses will fulfill the Mathematics category. MATH 244 is typically only offered in the spring semester and should be taken in semester 4 if MATH 243 and MATH 244 are taken in lieu of MATH 245.
  2. PHYS 170: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
  3. Electives: EE 213, EE 296, and ICS 111 are recommended to fulfill a portion of the required electives (8 credits).
  4. Foundations: Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG): A total of 6 credits are required and are recommended to be completed in semesters 1 and 3. Any two courses with different FG designations are required.

Spring semester 4

  • PHYS 272 General Physics II (3 credits)
  • PHYS 272L General Physics II Lab (1 credit)
  • Electives: Any 100-level or higher course (7 - 10 credits)


  1. PHYS 272: This course fulfills the Natural Environment category.
  2. Electives: EE 213, EE 296, and ICS 111 are recommended to fulfill a portion of the required electives (8 credits).

Graduation Requirements (to be satisfied within the 60-credit A.S. degree)

Total credits 60


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Engineering Associate in Science Degree