News From Kauai CC
The Kauai Community College instrumental ensembles will present two concerts in early December. On Tuesday, December 5 at 7 p.m. the Jazz Ensemble & Wind Symphony will perform at the Kauai Veteran's Center on Kapule Highway in Lihue (across from the airport), and on Thursday, December 7 the Symphony Orchestra will perform at 7 p.m. at Kapaa Missionary Church (across from Safeway). Admission is free with donations gratefully accepted. Contact Sarah Tochiki at 808-387-6772 or
On Thursday, December 7 at 6 p.m. the KCC History Department presents "From Colonization to Militarization: Korea in Context" in the college's One Stop Center. KCC History Professor Mark Ombrello and independent journalist Jon Letman will lead a presentation on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula in a modern historical context. The presentation will be followed by light refreshments and lively discussion.
Prof. Ombrello will provide a brief overview of modern Korean history from the late 19th century through the present day with a focus on the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). Jon Letman will follow with a focus on the militarized state of South Korea today with a look at Kauai's own role in the region.
The event is presented with support from the Kauai Alliance for Peace and Social Justice and the KCC History and Philosophy Club. Contact: Mark Ombrello, Ph.D. at 245-8328 or
The University of Hawaii at Manoa Executive Programs will present an information session on Thursday, December 7 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the KCC Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET), Room 105. Participants will learn about the UH Shidler College of Business's Executive Programs, including the Distance Learning Executive MBA, the Distance Learning Executive MBA in Health Care Management, and the Master of Human Resource Management. The various program formats, the curriculum and the admission process will be covered during the 90-minute session, which will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Contact: Rhonda Liu, 245-8330.
Looking to become a licensed teacher? Already licensed? Looking for a graduate program and/or professional development opportunities? The University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education will conduct a Distance Program information session on Tuesday, December 12 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at KCC's Business Education Building Room110. Included in the discussion will be funding opportunities as well as stipends for those wanting to teach in high-need areas such as English, math, science, or special education. Contact: Rhonda Liu, 255-8330.
The upcoming spring semester will see an unusual number of staff changes due to seven retirements at the end of the current year. The following faculty and staff have provided over 200 years of combined service to the College: Annie Rellin, Student Affairs Secretary (47 years); Arnette Lee: Academic Affairs Secretary (44 years); Charlene Ono, Nursing Instructor (44 years with the state, 26 as a Nursing Instructor); Glenn Alquiza, Auto Body Repair and Painting Instructor (33 years); Camilla Matsumoto, Community Relations and Special Projects Director (32 years); Sheane Talbo-Mandrigues, Bookstore Office Assistant (25 years); Sandra Magnussen, Counselor (16 years).
Aloha to them all, and may they now enjoy over 200 years of fun and relaxation!
Greg Shepherd is a professor at Kauai Community College. He can be reached at or (808) 245-8269.