"Education Delivered Through Distance Education"Grant Budget: $2,173,975 |
Keleka'a Ho'ona'auao
Kelekaʻa Hoʻonaʻauao is a collaborative grant between Kauaʻi Community College and University of Hawai‘i West O‘ahu which aims to 1) expand 21st century learning environments, 2) develop 2+2 distance education pathways, and 3) provide holistic, culture-based support.
Expand and Enhance 21st Century Learning Environments
This state-of-the-art classroom is located on the 2nd floor of the library and is designed for current and future distance education programmatic needs and student collaboration. Audio-visual equipment is currently being installed and will feature brand new monitors, web-conferencing cameras, furniture and more! Furniture design and installation, decorative glass decals and a possible mural will be the finishing touches to the space. Stay tuned as we are looking to open up the space this Fall 2023!
Distance Education Baccalaureate Options
We are creating and strengthening distance education pathways for students attending KauCC and UHWO. We’ve developed the 2+2 distance education pathways for Hawaiian Studies (AA/BA), Business (AS/BA) and Secondary Education (AAT/B.Ed.). Stay tuned as secondary education programs in Math and Science are developing!
Culture based student supports
When keeping the whole student in mind, our student support system is centered around the HĀ: BREATH framework. In our initial survey of Distance Education students on Kauaʻi in 2020, we found areas for growth as well as accomplishment. Overall, students felt satisfied with academic support and advising but said they could use more resources involving scholarships, financial aid and internships. With that in mind, we have expanded these types of support for DE students and are also creating new opportunities to reach and help them. Click here for Guide to Graduation (pdf).
Cohort Approach
- Business Administration Bi-weekly Zoom Check-ins
- Weekly academic support in the OSC Conference Room
Pre- Advising Support
- Referrals from Kauaʻi Community College Counselors
- Waiʻaleʻale Project
- University Center Educational Specialist
- Virtual Check-ins via email or Zoom
Creating educational resources
- Monthly Newsletter emails
- HA Framework Videos
- Financial Aid Videos
Collaborating with UH West Oʻahu
- Go The Distance Series
- Fall Virtual Week
- Funk of Fall
- Virtual New Student Orientation
- Noeʻau Center/Library
Please reach out to our grant staff with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Valerie Barko, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Kauai CC Director of Institutional Effectiveness and University Center
Accreditation Liaison Officer
Email: vabarko@hawaii.edu
Telephone: (808) 245-8336
Andrea Erichsen, M.S.
Title III Grants Program at Kauai CC
Email: andrea.erichsen@hawaii.edu
Telephone: (808) 245-8378
Louise Funai
Project Administrative Support
University of Hawaii - West O'ahu
Email: lfunai3@hawaii.edu
Mariah Opalek
Title III Grant Support Assistant at Kaua‘i CC
Email: mopalek@hawaii.edu
Telephone: (808) 245-8395
Anuhea Piliere, MEd
UHWO Distance Education Academic Support at Kauai CC
Email: a.piliere@hawaii.edu
Telephone: (808) 245-8374
Maenette K.P. Ah Nee-Benham
Chancellor, UH West Oʻahu
Email: mbenham@hawaii.edu
Telephone: (808) 689-2770