Distance Learning

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Welcome to our Distance learning at Kaua'i Community College!

Distance learning in many cases provides students greater flexibility. This flexibility includes freeing students from the constraints of travel or relocation, affording them opportunities to take courses otherwise non-accessible due to scheduling or physical constraints. As a result, students have more control over their own learning; successful completion will depend on the individual student's self-discipline and commitment to the course or program. In general, a successful distance learner is someone who:

  • Gets organized and stays organized.
  • Reads and follows written directions.
  • Learns effectively outside of the traditional Face-to-Face classroom.
  • Keeps participating in a course that does not require regular Face-to-Face or in class attendance.
  • Functions well with receiving input and feedback that is asynchronous (not immediate).
  • Has basic knowledge of computers and the Internet.
  • Is able to trouble-shoot technical difficulties.
  • Communicates effectively, efficiently and politely in writing (email and discussion posts).
  • Asks questions to clarify and answers questions from other students.
  • Jumps in and participates in discussions without needing an invitation.

Students should have a working knowledge of the computer and proficient online skills in order to be successful in a distance learning course. This includes the ability to perform basic computer operations, Internet skills such as accessing the web and using search engines, and the ability to use online communication tools such as email, discussion forums, and chat.

Distance learning benefits students who ...

  • Seek degree and certificate programs not available on their island
  • Desire to supplement their on-campus courses with distance courses
  • Live in rural communities
  • Need to juggle work and family commitments

Short Readiness Activity

So are you ready for online learning?  Complete this short readiness activity to find out how prepared you are to take an online class.  Start Now.

For more information click here

Kaua'i CC Class Availability

Distance Learning Class Availability Courses 

UH CC Class Availability 

Distance Learning Class Availability Courses

Student Orientation

Orientation to Online Learning 

UH Online Learning Website

Find all the tools and resources you need for your online classes