Chef Steven Nakata

Congratulation on Regents’ Medal for Excellence award!

Chef Steven NakataChef Steven Nakata is an assistant professor and chair of the culinary department of Kauaʻi Community College

Nakata puts his students first, and always tries to connect with each of them. He provides his personal cell number so they can reach him when needed, demonstrating a great level of dedication and commitment.

He brings a vast wealth of knowledge and experience from his past appointments as an executive chef and general manager. Service and cuisine are “in his blood.”

He has traveled internationally to parts of Europe, South America and the Caribbean and shares many learnings and adventures with his students. He is solid and accomplished with cooking methods, baking, sanitation and front-of-the-house training. He teaches with an openness and caring, a sense of humor and a strict, strong hand.

Nakata was overwhelmingly nominated by his students and colleagues. There are many successful students who have come out of the culinary program and Nakata was a big part of their growth, skill and confidence.