Chancellor's Message to the Community

Dr. Joseph Daisy

March 15, 2021

Aloha KCC ʻOhana,

As spring break is upon us, and knowing how challenging this past year has been, I wish that everyone can find time to reflect, refresh and renew. Mahalo for all that you have done, the challenges you have met with grace and dignity, and for your extraordinary commitment to KCC, our students, and the community we serve.

On March 12, 2021, our response to the UHCC Next Steps on Proposed Action: Plan #3 was submitted to VPCC Erika Lacro. I believe this report is well prepared and reflects the work we have done and the actions we have taken to support efforts to become more efficient and to reimagine the University and KCC. Next steps include more discussion and presentation by VPCC Lacro of a UHCC wide plan to the Board of Regents in July.

My deepest appreciation goes to everyone who thoughtfully contributed to our response, to those of you who participated, and to those of you who will continue to participate in the cross college campus workgroups. I would like to acknowledge and thank VCAA Frankie Harriss for efforts to ensure a comprehensive, cohesive and well edited document.

All KCC employees were offered the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and the State, including Kauaʻi, is beginning to move beyond the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. As we do, please continue to wear your mask and maintain a safe distance.

I am excited to announce that we are tentatively planning a drive through commencement, including graduates from last year. Stay tuned for details. 

It is a privilege for me to serve you as your Chancellor!

E mālama pono,
