Chancellor's Message to the Community

Chancellor Dr. Joseph M. Daisy, EdD

March 9, 2020

Dear Colleagues, Students and Fellow Members of the Kauaʻi CC community,

It does not seem possible to me that it was five weeks ago when I joined this learning community as your chancellor. Sometimes it seems as though I have been here with you for a much longer period of time, and at other times it seems like it was yesterday. Perhaps this is because, as much as I have learned from you about you, the students, the college, and the community we serve, it is much like experiencing an introductory survey course, when what I really need is a master class. So, I continue to appreciate your patience and support as I learn from you, as we explore opportunities, and work through issues and challenges together.

Please let me share some initial impressions about the college. There is much about the college of which to be proud. The students with whom I have had the opportunity to be engaged have impressed me with their authenticity and desire to be the very best they can be. They expressed their dreams and aspirations and we should not only be proud of them, we need to continue to work together to ensure the college provides them the opportunity to realize them.

As well, I have come to know many of the faculty and staff, not all of you yet, but still many of you. Please know that I feel honored to work with such an extraordinary group of really talented individuals who, regardless of position, have a profound responsibility for, and impact on the students we serve. Folks here really care about these young and not so young students with whom we are entrusted. From my first-hand experience, I observe a bright, caring and hardworking group of folks dedicated to the success of our students.
As chancellor, while there are challenges facing us as a college, including financial ones tied to decreasing enrollment and related resources, and the possible serious impact of COVID-19 on the college community, I remain grateful to know that faculty and staff are as committed to our well-being and sustainability as a college, as they are. I have found the staff, administrators, directors, vice chancellors, and pretty much everyone here to be helpful, and willing to share the responsibility and accountability for ensuring the success of the college. We are working closely and coming to know and understand one another, as I share my expectations for their leadership, individually and collectively.

As chancellor, it is with gratitude that I welcome the thoughtful suggestions and guidance provided by so many of you, and provided by system offices regarding our collective response in the event we are impacted by COVID-19. We should all continue to follow developments and updates both at the system and campus levels, and keep communicating about preparations to ensure we effectively respond with as little disruption as possible, should the need arise.
Later this week I will have the opportunity to join faculty through division meetings to learn more about the work in which faculty are engaged. I look forward to hearing more about your perspectives regarding your work, the work of the college, and the ways in which I might advocate for, and effectively serve you as your chancellor.

While this message to the Kauaʻi CC community may not be as substantive as you should expect in the future, I thought you would appreciate the perspective of a fresh set of eyes with great anticipation and high expectations for our future.
It is an honor to have been selected to serve the college and the community, especially faculty, staff and students as your chancellor. Please know how much this opportunity is valued, to serve you and to come together as a community to build a professional and mutually respectful relationship with one another, and to renew our commitment to the college’s mission and its core values.

So, together, let us continue to move forward. Let us continue to recognize that each of us has special gifts and talents, and while each of us may not possess all of them, collectively we do. Collectively, let us continue to be a strong and close ‘ohana to continue to strengthen and ensure the sustainability of Kauaʻi Community College.

I continue to look forward to listening and learning more about Kauaʻi CC and the students we serve.

It is a privilege for me to serve you as your chancellor.



Joseph M. Daisy, EdD