Add & Drop Classes

Star GPS


Drop Classes in STAR GPS

Students may drop classes in STAR GPS Registration until the last day to make changes for the semester. Review the Academic Calendar for dates and deadlines OR select the specific CRN in Class Availability to view the important registration and withdrawal deadline information.

STAR logo

STEP 1:  Login to STAR  

STEP 2:  Click on Register - Add/Drop Classes



GPS Registration window

STEP 3: Select DROP

Selecting Drop class

STEP 4: Review the Pending Drop

Review the Pending Drop

STEP 5:  DON’T FORGET TO CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON (located at the bottom right of the page)

Press Submit

STEP 6 Double Check

Check the status

STEP 7: Review your Registration Summary and Pathway for changes

Add Classes in STAR GPS

Students may add classes in STAR GPS Registration until the end of late registration. Review the Academic Calendar for dates and deadlines OR select the specific CRN in Class Availability to view the important registration and withdrawal deadline information.

STAR logo

STEP 1:  Login to STAR  

STEP 2:  Click on Register - Add/Drop Classes



GPS Registration window


STEP 3:  Select a course for the requirement or add personal choice

Select a course for the requirement or add personal choice


Add personal Choice

Select a Course


STEP 4: Use the SEARCH features to find a course

Search to find coursesSerach courses



STEP 5:  Choose a Course

Choose a Course


STEP 6: Click CHECKOUT (located at top right of page under My Requirements)

located at top right of page under My Requirements


STEP 7: Review the Pending Add



STEP 8:DON’T FORGET TO CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON (located at the bottom right of the page)



STEP 9: Double Check

Double check add