
Assessments are used to gather information and help determine appropriate next steps. Assessments can also help you understand your field of study, career needs, and possibilities so you can make well-informed decisions about your future.
KCC’s Career Center plays an essential role in this process by orienting you to the assessment procedures, answering questions about the purpose of specific assessment, and following through to help you use these results to explore and make decisions about majors, occupations, and jobs suggested by the results.

Available Online Assessments

FOCUS2CAREER helps you choose majors offered at Kauai Community College, explore occupations & make informed career decisions. It can also help you plan for and achieve career success throughout your lifetime.

RIASEC helps you develop an educational plan for high school or college. RIASEC is an abbreviation for realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. 
LIFESTYLE SURVEY  determines how much money you need to make for the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.  Take this quiz to find out how much your future lifestyle could cost and what salary you need to make to afford it.

CAREER CLUSTERS is an interest survey that allows you to select the activities you enjoy, identify your personal qualities, and select the school subjects you prefer.

    Available through the Career Center

    Strong Interest InventoryThe Strong Interest Inventory® online assessment provides robust insight into your interests, so you can consider potential careers, your educational path, and the world of work.


    mbti CertifiedThe Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is an online personality assessment. It’s a robust tool for self-awareness and improvement.  This assessment helps you improve how you communicate, learn, and work. 


    JISTJIST Career Solutions offers a wide variety of assessments to help you find rewarding, stable work and can provide you with effective solutions to get you working.

    • College Majors Scorecard (CMS) can help you focus and decide on a field of study or a particular major within that field.
    • College Survival and Success Scale (CSSS) is about identifying the skills and attitudes necessary to be an excellent college student. Learn what it takes to survive and succeed in college.
    • Ability Explorer helps you discover which abilities are your best ones. It then connects your top abilities to potential careers. Knowing about your abilities can help you make the most of them when planning your future.
    • Life Skills Inventory (LSI) helps you identify life skills you may wish to develop or further develop to become healthier and more productive. Life skills are the skills you rely on to manage your personal relationships and career development.
    • Job Search Attitude Inventory (JSAI) helps you to identify your attitudes about looking for a job. Your attitude when looking for a job is the most important factor in finding employment.
    • Barriers to Employment Success Inventory (BESI) helps you identify obstacles that may keep you from getting a good job or from getting ahead in your career. It will then recommend ways to overcome these barriers.
    • Transition-To-Work Inventory (TWI) helps you make your career transition more effective and more rewarding. Regardless of your past work experience or skill level, it guides you toward a more informed decision by identifying careers that are related to your interests.

    John Holland’s Self-Directed Search® (SDS®)John Holland’s Self-Directed Search® (SDS®) is a career assessment and exploration tool that matches your aspirations, activities, and talents to the career choices and educational opportunities that fit you best.